DID YOU KNOW?50% percent of adults in Torrance County read below a 6th grade level. WHERE NEW MEXICO STANDS IN TERMS OF LITERACY SKILLS:20% of New Mexicans age 16 and older have literacy skills at level 1, the lowest level on a scale of 1 to 5. Each literacy level is associated with a specific set of skills that are generally accepted as necessary for full participation in society. Individuals at level 1, for example, have difficulty locating simple information in a news article or applying basic math to determine the total on a sales receipt. In terms of literacy level 2, 46% of New Mexico's population is at this level or below. As a benchmark in practical terms, nearly two-thirds (64%) of all jobs today require literacy skills beyond level 2, while only 12% require skills at level 1 and 24% at level 2, according to a study by the Milken Institute.
For a listing of these programs, see the New Mexico Literacy Services. ILLITERACY LEVEL CHART